Personal Finance 101

Personal Finance 101 was the first event in the #FinancialSuccess series organized by Vietnamese professionals in Finland (VPF) on October 17th, 2020. With an overwhelming amount of interest from the community, the event received more than 500 registrations and more than 200 attendees.

VPF would like to thank our speaker Bao Pham and our attendees for making Personal Finance 101 a very successful event!

If you missed out, don’t worry! You can find access to the full event recording online here.

Different savings and investment options in Finland were introduced and discussed in the event. Unfamiliar topics such as real estate surprisingly attracted a good number of questions from the attendees.

The success of the event firmly confirms that #FinancialSuccess is one of the most attractive topics, and therefore, it’s a go for us to continue organizing future events in this series.

Most of the feedback respondents were impressed with the professionalism and the content quality of the event.

“I enjoyed the presentation. It was a well structured presentation. The host was also useful in following guests’ questions and guiding through the session. Wonder if the presentation material could be shared (video recording or slides).”

“Very informative event. The amount of the theoretical part is just right. The accompanied examples and cases are interesting and easy to understand. You guys did a great job!”

“I can definitely vouch for the purpose of VPF and the fact that events are organised very professionally (early information, clear agenda , etc.)”

With all the encouraging feedback from the community, VPF is doing its best to deliver good quality content in the future events. We are committed to building a strong community and looking forward to seeing you in our next events!