Tour de companies 1
This March, VPF organized the first event in the Tour de Companies series. This series was created for VPF members to network, discuss and learn more from each other about different companies in Finland.
During this 1,5- hour event, we had our very own Ha Tran, Hoang-Mai Nguyen, and Hong Ngoc Nguyen presenting Supermetrics, IQM Quantum Computers and, as well as their personal journeys with these very interesting companies. We had a chance to hear not only the general information about these companies but also got a better view of their working culture, employee perks and career opportunities.
As with other VPF networking events, there were a lot of interactions among the participants and each presentation was followed by different questions from the audience.
Content highlight:
Although the three presented companies had very different products and scales, they share quite a few aspects: lean organizational structure, international team and vibrant company culture. Perhaps those contribute a fair share to the success stories of IQM, Supermetrics and
We would like to send our greatest thank you to Ha Tran, Hoang-Mai Nguyen and Helmi Hong-Ngoc Nguyen who represented Supermetrics, IQM Quantum Computers and at the event. We would also like to thank all the participants – the event couldn’t be successful without a very engaging audience.
VPF is doing its best to create interesting events for our members. We are committed to building a strong community of expats in Finland. See you all in the next event of this series!